SUTASI is a groundbreaking multi-episodic music show in search of the most talented musicians, singers and performers across Asia. The first show to be produced and broadcast by networks in all regions of the Asian continent, it assembled industry experts and scoured high-rises, villages, islands and jungles across multiple countries, searching for singers, bands and songwriters.
SutasiAsia Sounds
Sandrine OrabonaProducer
Anke ThommenMore Film/TV
A Radical Act:
Renee MontgomerySavage x Fenty Vol. 1The New West Coast Sound: An L.A. Jazz LegacySavage x Fenty Vol. 2Way OutThe Adventures of Janet GuthrieThe RideTyler Shields: ProvocateurState of Play – The TomlinsDirt RaceLady Valor: The Kristin Beck StoryState of Play – First LadiesThe Roots Picnic
Renee MontgomerySavage x Fenty Vol. 1The New West Coast Sound: An L.A. Jazz LegacySavage x Fenty Vol. 2Way OutThe Adventures of Janet GuthrieThe RideTyler Shields: ProvocateurState of Play – The TomlinsDirt RaceLady Valor: The Kristin Beck StoryState of Play – First LadiesThe Roots Picnic